My prince charming

This prince charming I was waiting for is coming or I have missed by my luck

Will he come in a special look or will appear as a geek
His smile will be like a seasonable one or will be like the sky which always stays up rt there
He will be like a strong stone heart or like an ice cream which will melt just like that or like a piece of alluring cake you keep on melting for...
Will he be in a simple or flashy attire ?

How my man will be alike?
Will he come on his foot or by Pulsar bike?
Will he be wearing adidas shoes or branded shoes Nike?
Will our everything match from our likes to dislike??
am so interested to fall in love,
Will I meet him iin the park or in a dark night club?
Is he going to ask me out first or i have to go forth?
Im wondering how will he be proposing me in a round about or in straight forward?
Everytime I ask it myself I end up with big laughter
I wish he would help me to solve all my problems from simple to toughter hope in a day to come I wont follow any rake
I will be in a safe hand and never have a heart break.


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