I played with the luck
Went into forbidden zone
Attached to detached heart
Once again, to save my soul
All those experiences were experiments
But experiments are now my life
Once I panicked
Smooth path turned to puzzling path
Sometime I accept and sometime I deny
Life is mixed with acceptance and denial
but nothing has remained in life
Than the heaps of acceptance and denial
Lost and abandoned
Two heaps are- each sides
I'm searching mid-way to go through
But I'm all standing at the heaps all together
No Left ,
No Right
just a mid way
Coz life is not black and white but grey
Went into forbidden zone
Attached to detached heart
Once again, to save my soul
All those experiences were experiments
But experiments are now my life
Once I panicked
Smooth path turned to puzzling path
Sometime I accept and sometime I deny
Life is mixed with acceptance and denial
but nothing has remained in life
Than the heaps of acceptance and denial
Lost and abandoned
Two heaps are- each sides
I'm searching mid-way to go through
But I'm all standing at the heaps all together
No Left ,
No Right
just a mid way
Coz life is not black and white but grey
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