Even the Luckiest Stars have to Fall Apart

I will not regret if I don't see him again
Only perfect start could have perfect start
We both had nothing neither perfect start nor the end
That's why I can say I won't regret if I don't meet him again

Ya, its my heart has already said, how bad you are
It's our fault we saw each other
It's our mistake we met too
I felt for you that's the terrible blunder, I tell you

Who can recall the past, who can live in it again
Even the luckiest stars have to fall apart
Small the story is, very deep scar was the gain
Every "why" can't have "because"
I don't know why my heart said "I am all done and its all over"

That dreamy touch you'd made in my heart
Has entered to my mind
Don't be surprised hearing it and be awkward to react
If to react is hard for you...
... then move away and never return back

You don't have to answer why you did so,
You don't have to face me back
You'll be in safe side so don't you worry
Just move on and be happy again
Because we don't have to see each other again

May 25th, 2010
