Trying to write what you have said
Recalling everything just what you confessed
I don't remember if you have said
Something like you love me a lot
Or, you said but I couldn't hear
With an absent mind, I still try to recall
What you said was just saying for saying or something real
It's the darkest night or still some light is there to please
There we had, your few words passed just by
Searching the soul of the meaning of yours thought
I was still silent and wishing for your word
Because your words were so appealing to my heart
We aren't supposed to begin a journey
And I don't understand why I see so much life in your simple words
You were talking about fantasy and I wish it to come true
When I'm scared and alone I want to run to you
The firm belief I have, having you by my side
After having all those stuffs hope, you won't be blind
Move not with indifference mood and keep it mind
Sometime you turn out to be exactly how I want
Want to see you in right tune of right feeling
Either your flaws or disaster past come across
Believe me I will call you out of darkest night
Will be by your side no matter what comes up or goes
(1st Oct. !!)
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