4- SNS is a platform to showcase their problem
During the survey when I asked about if they are using SNS to share their problem to the world, they simply replied “yes”. More than three quarters of the surveyed Rohingya men strongly agree that they use SNS to showcase their problem.
5- Smart Phones are only access for them to use SNS
The survey results show that rather than computer, laptop and any other electronic devices Rohingya use android phone to operate SNS. For example, most of them are using Samsung cell phone. My survey indicates that they can afford android mobile phones to communicate. And mostly they use phone to check SNS.
6-SNS takes them to their own people living away from them
In addition to finding their attitude towards SNS, I also find out the reason of using SNS. They use SNS to know about the situation of their country. They spend less an hour a day on internet to use SNS. They mostly talk to their fellow citizen living in different part of the world. They think SNS is easy way to keep connected with their people. Though they can’t get back to their own country, they watch it through SNS.
7- SNS has both the positive and negative effects on them
I found them, saying they do keep discussing about the posts, pictures, and videos with their friends, family members, and wife. They even showed picture of burnt houses, killed men and rapped women. This is how the Rohingya Muslim woman who doesn’t know how to use SNS, who doesn’t have account on SNS knows so many incidences in Myanmar. They tell us like they had seen those horrific riots at far way land. Due to which they don’t want to get back to their country. The positive aspect is that it helps them to connect their people away from Nepal.
8- SNS is a help for Rohingya than a threat
The data suggest that SNS is a friend to them not a foe. They take it as a fundamental way to see things away from their capacity. Some of them also embedded their answer to express that they are the source of threat as well. They think getting exposed to atrocity in Rakhine state gives them a feeling, getting back to place is dangerous. When they find people sharing that frightful bustle on internet, despite its efficacy it also can be a source of the threat. Albeit it’s in a lesser degree, we shouldn’t be blunt on its effect on them. Indeed there is no doubt on SNS is a help for them  as it helps them to communicate to their people, know what’s happening in the world specially among with the refugees like them and problem their country is currently facing. But when they keep sharing and updating on the bustle and riot at their country they will be reluctant to get back to the country which can be very worst to our country. In my survey when I talked to women even though they weren’t part of my survey seems to be very well informed about complication at their country. They told that they knew it from SNS as their husband showed them the grim picture coming from their country on internet. Due to this they are discouraged to go back to their place. So it is a source of threat too.
9- SNS is a problem solver
They believe SNS can solve their problem as they believe with the use of SNS they can reach to the people of the world. They are hopeful a large number would take interest on them if their problem comes on SNS. They are not optimistic about getting help to settle down the matter they have at Myanmar but they think today they are staying easily in Nepali land and can move to Bangladesh and India because of SNS. So SNS is a problem solver to them for temporary matter like staying in foreign land, and getting sympathetic attention from the people. One of them also said that SNS helps to grab the attention of people like me who comes to study in their community. 
