When truth and lie collide

When truth and lie collide
I heard a sound
Couldn't figure it out
What was that?
Unique from the rest
Or trying to be best
Clear yet it was blur
Mirage was so near
It allures me like I care
As my long lost lover

What was that on the mirror!
A reflection in the terror
A woman or a whore
Standing on the mirror
With the soft corner
I smiled at her
She couldn't hold her tear
Yet she smiled

I let her sob
Cause she got robbed
All she said was the truth
But lie allured
So she Stands helpless
Counting what she had lost
Cause whore has no business that year
Made woman on my mirror, a whore
A single touch, kiss, moments, a man

But I knew she had a dream
-Was it shattered by her tear
cause she is a whore
Played by a player
every time that's possible
And she ended up as a whore
