The Rage to Know


According to Horace Freeland Judson, a certain moment of mind helps us to discover something in our own way. We experience the knowledge at a moment of pure scientific perception. So science is the century's art. The moment of truth is experienced at once of exhilaration and tranquility.  Be it, scientists, or Mathematicians, they get the clarity of the moment of discovery at the point of exhilaration and tranquility. 

The science includes enormously disparate ideas. It includes ranges of ideas from human life to particle physics. The purest form of mathematics, the most practical problems of shelter and hunger, sickness, and war fall in the category of research in science. Science accepts the diversity which lies in unity. 

Scientists are sculptors, surgeons, and builders. They carry a sense of prideful skill. But before acquiring a sense of great gratification that comes with the recognition, its important to have curiosity. Curiosity is a delightful mastery. There is a joy of figuring out. Curiosity and delightful discovery is a life's passion. A world known scientist starts the skill by asking simple questions like Sheldon Glashow. 

Along with curiosity, passion is indispensable for creation.  The rage to know comes with it. It creates an acute discomfort at incomprehension. It gives the pain which is the fun of science. The pain increases agility, variety, and inventiveness of the play of the mind. There is an abysmal self- doubt. So these are the devotions. The happy achievement is a matter of course that can be achieved in the years of anxious search in the dark as Albert Einstein believes. 

Inspiration is another drive that gets us going. The path to enlightenment includes incessant struggle so the inspiration is required. 

Similarly, identification with the problems is a major way to carry out the process of discovery. As Joshua Lederberg imagined biological situation as himself while discovering the genetics of microorganisms. 

It is important to set oneself away from the result of the discoveries to introspect discovered ideas. Finding new things circumstances is also an integral part. At the point of the excursion, results are verified.

The knowledge is power as stated by Francis Bacon put echoes the essence of science. Science has become a source of knowledge and essential to technology. The rage to know has been matched by the rage to make. Science has several rewards hence it is the century's art.  

